Sunday, January 10, 2010

Life...And Goals For The Week

When I think of life the things that come to mind right now at this very moment are-hard, annoying, unfair, etc. Everything seems to be hitting me very hard these past few days. Milo is being very very difficult to say the least, I'm sure my neighbors don't appreciate it but hopefully they understand (they have a little girl the same age that I often hear and it seems like we're going through some of the same issues). My etsy shop is doing..well okay I suppose, I've had a few sales for the new year and my pictures are improving a lot sometimes I just wish it were easier but then again you get out what you put in right? I have my own place, don't get me wrong I love it, I'm just starting to realize how much I'm going to have to make to actually be able to keep it and live a stable life. That gets me to this point, I've decided I need a least part time, for both my living situation and my sanity. I think I need a little break from Milo every now and then (we're together basically 24/7). Don't get me wrong I love it but when there's no one there to help you who do you go to when it gets to hard and you need a helping hand? But I guess that's just life though isn't it?
Sorry for the little rant. I suppose it's just easier to write things down then actually talk to people about them (for me anyway).

Now on to my goals for the week!
1. Figure out sizing for a shirt I will be putting in the shop (hopefully this week!)
2. Organize things for taxes
3. Look for a job (already started on that one)
4. Work on more soap! And getting some in the shop (packaging also!!)
5. Finish reupholstering the living room chair

I finished up the pdf last night! I'm soooo happy with how it turned out and can't wait to do more in the near future! Putting it up in the shop today, hopefully it goes well!

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