So I realized today sometimes I sounds like a complete idiot when I write things (mostly replies on my flickr) but I'm not...seriously, it's only when I type things to new people that like my goods. I get a little nervous sometimes :/
Anyway it's Monday once again. I have a few things to talk about, including some weekend finds and a solution to some summer clothes for little boys that grow to fast.
I'll start with my finds
An awesome vintage typewriter. Although the keys aren't round it's still pretty spiffy. I believe it is also in working condition, I just need a new ink ribbon. If anything it'll be a nice decoration in my home until it finds a new home :)

Along with the typewriter came this vintage adding machine. I plugged it in and it started making all sorts of noises, I believe it works but I have to figure out how before I know for sure.

This is actually from last week but I'm going to post it this week just to show it off. I scored a TON of owl things last week and will soon be putting some in the shop, I think this little guy is one of my favorites

This bag was a pretty neat find. I love the color!

I have also been working on more bug plugs. Here are the newest ones "lady bugs" (actually Asian Beatles). I also got in contact with someone who raises moths and may have some moth wing jewelry in the shop soon! I'm very excited about it because she knows a few other people that raise moths and butterflies (they don't kill them) and might be willing give some pieces to me :D

Now onto the little boy subject. I was looking through Milos clothes the other day once it started to warm up and realized we don't have any short sleeve shirts that fit him except for one or two. Some of his winter shirts still fit and they are the kind with the different colored sleeves so I decided to make them last a little longer. I cut the extended sleeves off to make them into short sleeves. No sewing needed! Sorry for the crappy shirt, I wanted to try it out at first without messing a good one up. Now I'm off to cut the rest! I might even cut some of the regular long sleeve ones and sew them up.
Step one:
Get your scissors and the shirt out!

Step two:
Cut off the long sleeves right next to the seam.

DONE! Easy and worth the time to save some extra money.

Now off to get some sewing done! I hope everyones week is off to a good start :)