I have been buying way way to many things latley and realized it a few weeks ago when I started tearing my apartment apart to organize things better (it's still a little out of sorts but it's getting there). I made over 10 reversible skirts in different sizes so expect to see them in the shop soon! It was a great way to bust down a bit of my fabric stash and I'm very happy I was able to get them all done. I will also be making some bags in the near future out of a sailboat boom cover with some awesome closures that I plan to keep on as part of the bag. But I still keep buying things!!!!! So I have decided to put a few clothing items on etsy instead of putting them in a pile to resize for myself. I only have a few to put up today but trust me, there will be more in the near future!
I really wish I could've kept this skirt! It fits, just not to comfortably :(

This skirt is to big but has some awesome fun buttons up the side!

Awesome shirt! I actually may make a pattern up based on this shirt because I love the look of it so much! It's super big on me so my loss is your gain :) Don't mind the flop ear! I forgot to put my plugs in before taking this pic hahaha

Thankfully I can usually find vintage clothes in my size so I don't mind giving up a few things here and there. I hope you guys enjoy them!