Thursday, December 9, 2010


At least 7 new designs coming out very soon! I am very excited about these ones!
Since I have to make some pairs to photograph before selling I will be selling the sample pair for 1/2 off! They will range in size so all is fair. I will probably put the notice up on my facebook fan page or tumblr so keep an eye out!

Since things are going well and I'm keeping busy with my shop I am going to splurge and invest in some much needed equipment! First off a digital caliper, I have one that isn't digital and basically sucks. Second off is a vacuum pump! I've been eying these for awhile and really need to get one, it will help out with quality and save me time I just need to find the right materials to build it. Hopefully I'll be able to get both before the end of the year or improvise and use something similar.


  1. I hope I can snag one of your half off pairs! I'm a 0, wanna be 00 and am itching for new plugs :)
    I'm so happy you're blogging again!
    Love and Turtledoves,

  2. Pst! Just put some 00g mood plugs up for half off!
